Yeti Digital poster illustration

Big Bad Wolf Digital poster illustration

Kraken Digital Poster Illustration

Shock Sauce Hot sauce package design concepts

Ghoul King Custom typography for metal musician

Sizzlin' Summer Sales Event Branding for sales event at Pohanka Auto Store
Gabrielle Caudill
Illustration and graphic design bring color and creativity to a black and white world. Nothing is more fulfilling to me than creating a hand-crafted piece of work that is both functional and alluring. Escapism of modern society has been and always will be my strongest form of inspiration. Whether it is in another decade or another planet, science fiction and fantasy has always influenced my work.
Once I have researched the subject matter and developed solid concepts, my design process continues on paper with graphite and later becomes finalized on screen to produce transcendent imagery. This juxtaposition of traditional and digital media brings illustrations and design to life. What makes a work successful is not simply legibility and layout, but a designer’s intuition intertwining with the client’s vision as seamlessly and effectively as possible.