Kitsch Kitsch Jewelry Logo 2018

Seventeen Magazine 8.5 x 11 2017

Divided Magazine 8.5 x 11 218

SUSRC Poster 8.5 x11 2016

Divided Gallery Show 2018

Fearless Magazine 8.5 x 11 2018
Darah Gunn
For many artists, Graphic Design is often described as a platform for personal expression. For me however, Graphic Design is not just about personal expression and freedom, it is a selfless form of art that focuses on the strategies needed to solve the problems of communication. My creativity lies in how I solve these problems.
When working with clients, my process and strategy always begins with this question: “who am I designing for-myself or the client”? By asking this question I position my goals to meet the needs
of the client and not the parameters of my own personal expression. The next step of my process is to take the client’s abstract ideas and make them concrete through the power of words. In order to do so, I have the client choose visual words that describe the brand of their culture and customer.
I ask them to specify the words that describe the voice, tone, and impact of their brand. Then, with a compiled list of words that adequately captures this, I am able to research and create variation sketches that visually communicate the desires of the client and their brand. It is important that during my process, the client’s visions and goals are evident in my designs.
When it comes to my own brand and culture, my style is heavily influenced by minimalism, editorial design, and typographic design. I appreciate geometric shapes and simple clean lines. Although I do favor a certain style, I find that I am adaptable and can mold my style to fit the needs of the client. As I continue to grow in my design career I strive to effectively solve problems and create designs that are meaningful and impactful.