Rogue Water Package Design Pen & Ink/Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Illustrator 2016

Trump Spray" Pen & Ink 11in x 14in 2016

The Edge of Temperament Oil 30in x 24in 2017

The Golden Flounder Adobe Illustrator 2018

Not Far From Here Oil 15in x 30in 2017

Honda Ruckus Technical Illustration Adobe Illustrator 2017
Reeves Dark
When design is meant to be functional, it can difficult for an artist to express his or her self through the work. The type of design I’ve always been drawn to is one that transcends functionality. I truly value the passion and craftsmanship that goes into creating a work of art. I believe that that same passion and craftsmanship should also be visible in design. Technology should only serve as a tool that enhances what is created by your hands.
My work focuses on a strong attention to detail. I want the viewer to be able to look at my work and recognize its function, then after further review, be able to discover the color, line, composition, and detail. I strive to create a hybrid of fine art and design that can serve its purpose of communication as well as make an artistic impression on the viewer. I think the key to creating effective work is being sincere and letting your expression show through your design. It is important for people to feel as if they know you when they are looking at your work. I focus heavily on illustration, quality of line, and composition, and I strive to unlock how it can be effectively utilized in design. Because of my strong fine art background, it is natural that illustration would be an important method of my design.
It is my belief that the more we advance in technology, the more irreplaceable an artist will become. While much can be synthesized and replicated through technology, there is still a superior quality to something created by hand that is always spectacular. Design is more honest when it is largely executed by hand, and that honesty is reflected in the message that is conveyed.