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Amber Canale

July 14, 2017 my grandmother passed away... Cancer had spread to her brain and she didn’t want any of us to know. She made the choice to keep that burden from us.

When you lose someone you love, people will tell you that time goes on and in fact it always does. We all wish at some point for time to stop, like when butterflies circle in our stomach at a happy moment, or for time to move faster, like when you’re experiencing

an uncomfortable or boring moment. We regret moments in time we wish to change or go back to and wish for more time to relive those happy memories or just have one more moment with the ones we love.

With my work I wanted to represent the concept of time using texture to grab the viewer’s attention. As you view you’ll be drawn in to take a few extra moments to look at every piece of work in detail. In time you have the choice to help or hinder yourself or others around you, which is represented by the two hands which hold flowers. One flower blooming to its full potential, little by little everyday with help, and one flower dead, fragile from the lack of such nurturing and support. Towards the center you’ll find a dial moving in a slow constant circle, representing time which points to the always changing seasons around it. In center view a fast little hummingbird caught by a crab which holds firm to the tail. The hummingbird

represents the fast pace of life along with my grandmother who loved hummingbirds. The crab represents the unforgiving, sneaky cancer. Cancer can always finds its way to someone no matter the time passing, or the season changing, or the actions you take. However, the actions you choose can make a difference in those tiny moments you take to make your quality of life, or another’s, just a little bit better in the time we have for life.

I dedicate my work to my grandmother: Patricia McCray. Fly free and fast my hummingbird angel. My biggest supporter of my artwork.

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